Does your organization need a state air permit? Call the experts at Aura Engineering BEFORE you apply for the permit, not after. It’s the best way to potentially save a lot of wasted time, money, and effort!

The reason why is simple: Air permitting is complicated! We should know—the Aura Engineering team are experts in air permitting regulations. While all storage and transfer facilities in the United States must maintain compliance with the EPA’s air standards, it’s at the state level where things get tricky. The EPA allows each state to govern its own environmental rules as long as the minimum federal standards are met. 

Different states have different ideas about what constitutes acceptable air quality. Inevitably, the rules to maintain an air permit are more stringent in some states than others. Even the names given to these air permits vary considerably from state to state. That can get midstream O&G and petrochem facilities into trouble. 

Keeping track of the different air permitting rules across the country can be a challenge best left to the experts. That’s why Aura encourages the businesses affected by these rules to give us a call before applying for a permit. Since the 1990s, our seasoned team has worked with clients across the U.S. to design, build, and maintain custom chemical and petrochemical vapor control systems. No one knows the nationwide permitting rules better than we do. We can ensure that your organization applies for and receives the air permit best suited to your business interests, anywhere in the country.

When you give Aura a call before you apply for a state air permit, our team can begin the initial design work that will help us identify the best (and least stringent) permit you can apply for. Unfortunately, too many of our clients engage a company that specializes in permitting before speaking with us. All too often, these businesses will procure a permit for your organization that is much more restrictive than necessary. Because the equipment needed to comply with these unnecessarily restrictive permits is much more expensive than what is truly needed, unnecessary costs add up quickly. 

Let us help you avoid spending too much on air permit compliance! Applying for and receiving the wrong air permit can severely limit the systems you are legally allowed to build and operate, making profitability much more difficult. Aura Engineering can help bring your facility online faster, without wasting time waiting for a permit to be granted before design can begin. We help facilities across the country achieve and maintain air permit compliance with an emphasis on cost efficiency.

Navigating your air permitting options without the help of true experts is a big gamble. Don’t risk dramatically overpaying for what you don’t need! Contact us today for a free consultation to get the air permit application process started the right way. You’ll be glad you did!