A lot can go wrong with a vapor control system! Most important, of course, is ensuring that your equipment is in safe and operable condition so that your operations run smoothly without posing any danger to your personnel or the environment. Just as critical to your business needs, though, is making certain that your vapor control system is operating in compliance with the law. 

The petroleum and petrochemical industries are now more tightly regulated than ever. Does your vapor recovery unit meet the appropriate TCEQ capture efficiency requirements? Is your facility ready to pass USCG compliance inspections? If you aren’t sure, you may run into trouble soon.

When vapor control systems are not kept in tip-top operating condition with regular preventive maintenance, they can lose operational efficiency or even shut down. Shutdowns are one of the leading causes for the callouts Aura responds to, along with compliance failures. These operational problems can prove to be very costly, indeed, putting your facility’s work behind schedule and even incurring regulatory penalties in some circumstances. The longer one of these emergency situations lasts, the more time and money it is likely to cost you. 

Fortunately, Aura Engineering is available to help you quickly with any vapor control emergencies. Aura is a U.S. Coast Guard Certifying Entity, and our team of seasoned regulatory experts are pros at keeping vapor control systems working at peak performance. We assist clients large and small in maintaining compliance with all applicable regulations. 

Shutdowns and callouts are never welcome. But when they occur, our team is able to quickly diagnose system failures and work with onsite personnel to resume operations safely. 

Keeping your electrical and control systems running smoothly is our specialty, no matter the challenge. We offer start-up assistance, third-party support, same-to-next-day callout, equipment repairs, controls installation, and more. Our close, long-standing vendor relationships allow us to quickly source any replacement hardware needed, and we’ll keep working around the clock until you’re back up and running. 

The best way to handle emergency vapor control callouts is, of course, to avoid them altogether. When it comes to solving system maintenance challenges, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s why Aura Engineering recommends smart, affordable preventive maintenance service to all of our clients. There’s no better way to save yourself time, money, and stress in a crisis than preventing that crisis from happening in the first place.

If you need help recovering from a shutdown or other emergency, Aura Engineering is ready to take your call 24/7. If you need help now or have any questions about our preventive maintenance, annual testing, and operational review services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We take great pride in assisting clients just like you!